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The urban Farmer course is designed to give people a range of understandings in many of the gardening techniques. 


People today have busy lives so we show you how you can attain maximum yield for minimum effort using a method of Square foot gardening. We will also show you how to compost all your garden waste correctly, to save you money at the nursery.  We will teach you about worm farming and the benefits of vermicast and how to make worm tea correctly.


We will also cover much more but the course tends to follow the interests of the participant picking the brains of the teacher. This course is loaded with information and practical, get your hand's dirty work.


This course often varies in content depending on the season, so please check Facebook adverts to see the main subjects covered on the course you wish to attend. 


For every vegetable, you grow in your own garden you are reducing the stress on the planet's arable land. Being an Urban Farmer is the biggest environmentally revolutionary act you can do. If you don't grow your own vegetable garden you cannot truly call yourself green, as too much environmental damage is done in the current agricultural farming methods to get the food you require on a daily basis.

Getting hands dirty planting in some pre-prepared straw bales.

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